26. February 2021

Hostility and violence targeting the LGBTIQ+ Community in shelters for refugees: protection concept study of the German federal states uncovers massive deficiencies

The State of Saxony’s protection concept fares especially unfavorably in the scientific analysis with just 5 % of these measures, while the concept of the State of Bremen at least has more than half of the measures in place. However, better protection is urgently needed: in housing facilities, LGBTIQ+ refugees very frequently become victims of violence and, according to EU Directive 2013/33/EU, are therefore considered a vulnerable group that requires protection in Germany for good reasons. The lack of established protective measures thus also means – according to Träbert and Dörr – that Germany continues to fail to meet its European obligations in this field. Not having protections in place has an immense impact on the stakeholders. In the fear zone of refugee shelters, they hardly ever find the courage to talk about their needs. As a rule, the fear of being outed is too overwhelming and the prior experiences with the government and society in their countries of origin are too terrifying.

The two authors explain that the failure to offer necessary, trust building measures does not only prevent effective protection against violence at their accommodations, it also keeps many refugees from even bringing up the persecution they experienced at home during the asylum proceedings. “Consequently, it is an urgent requirement that the states better manifest the protection of queer refugees in their protection concepts,” says Patrick Dörr, who has been a member of the LSVD Board since October 2020.