- End-of-year review 2024: Reason for fleeing: queer – Queer Refugees Germany – challenges and hopesAs 2024 draws to a close, we look back on twelve intense months full of challenges, successes and passionate commitment. For the team of ‘Reason for fleeing: queer- Queer Refugees Germany’, it’s been a year that has challenged and encouraged us in equal measure – a year that shows how far we’ve come, but also… Read more: End-of-year review 2024: Reason for fleeing: queer – Queer Refugees Germany – challenges and hopes
- UNITED AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING:PREVENTING EXPLOITATION AND HELPING THOSE AFFECTEDEvery day, people in Germany are affected by exploitation and human trafficking. Refugees, and especially LGBTIQ+* people, are particularly vulnerable. The International Rescue Committee, together with its network of partner organisations at the federal and European level, is implementing several projects aimed at preventing human trafficking and providing the best possible support for those affected,… Read more: UNITED AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING:PREVENTING EXPLOITATION AND HELPING THOSE AFFECTED
- “Building bridges: how a mentoring programme is empowering queer refugees for the German labour market”Navigating the German labour market is often difficult for refugees – especially for queer refugees.Discrimination, cultural barriers and insecurities about how to deal with one’s own identity in the workplace are just some of the obstacles they may face. This is precisely where Tent Deutschland’s mentoring programme for LGBT*IQ refugees comes in. Why queer refugees… Read more: “Building bridges: how a mentoring programme is empowering queer refugees for the German labour market”
- ‘Queer Empowerment: LGBTIQ+Q* refugees for the German labour market + lecture on asylum law’ online information event on 05/11/2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for professional and volunteer counsellors:LGBTIQ+Q* refugees flee their home countries due to persecution and violence. However, even upon arrival in the new host country, many of them still lack the support they need to integrate economically. Companies are well positioned to take on this challenge. By engaging employees to provide professional advice and individual support to LGBTIQ+Q* refugees, companies… Read more: ‘Queer Empowerment: LGBTIQ+Q* refugees for the German labour market + lecture on asylum law’ online information event on 05/11/2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for professional and volunteer counsellors:
- What can you do as a queer refugee against violence and bullying?Queer refugees who experience LGBTIQ+Q* hostility are significantly more frequently affected by depression, stress and a lower level of life satisfaction. This tends to apply more to queer refugees in asylum centres. Queer refugees are therefore considered an especially vulnerable group in German asylum centres in accordance with the “Minimum Standards for the Protection of… Read more: What can you do as a queer refugee against violence and bullying?