27. June 2019

“Migrant organizations and networks in Germany – introduction and overview”

The sixth workshop was on the subject of “migrant self-organizations in Germany”. LGBTIQ+ activists have met five times since December 2017 and have established themselves through the establishment of a nationwide association of “Queer Refugees Germany” in which they can independently mobilize for the rights of LGBTIQ+ refugees in Germany.

The aim of the workshop was to get acquainted with the existing migrant organizations and to understand their structures. Our speaker Dr. Andrés Otálvaro from NeMO Dortmund gave a seminar on which migrant organizations work in Germany, and what are their functions for migrants in Germany. His presentation included the following points:

  1. Short presentation of migrant organizations in Germany
  2. Which organizations are active nationwide as migrant organizations
  3. An idea of ​​migrant organizations with special professional orientation
  4. In addition, the idea and function national networks of migrant organizations

Eleven participants came from eight federal states and from seven countries of origin to attend the seminar. One of the main aspects of this workshop was the willingness to work together with LSVD e.V. and to make their structures useful.