17. October 2024

‘Queer Empowerment: LGBTIQ+Q* refugees for the German labour market + lecture on asylum law’ online information event on 05/11/2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for professional and volunteer counsellors:

LGBTIQ+Q* refugees flee their home countries due to persecution and violence. However, even upon arrival in the new host country, many of them still lack the support they need to integrate economically.

Companies are well positioned to take on this challenge. By engaging employees to provide professional advice and individual support to LGBTIQ+Q* refugees, companies can play a crucial role in helping LGBTIQ+Q* refugees find their way in the job market and access employment opportunities.

TENT-Germany offers a tailored mentoring programme to provide individual support to queer refugees as they navigate the path to a permanent and secure job. TENT employees provide important information on: ‘how can the programme be used, and who can benefit from it?’

Patrick Dörr (Board of the LSVD* Queer Diversity Association) will give a specialist presentation on the right of asylum, providing useful information for all counsellors and mentors.

For questions and to sign up, please contact: ed.dvsl@seegufer-reeuq