10. June 2020

“Queer Refugees Deutschland” Participates in Online-Symposium “COVID-19 & Queer Asylum”

The online conference dealt with four topics: In Panel 1, moderated by the Council of Europe, speakers from the UK, Italy and Germany discussed “A European Perspective on COVID-19 and Queer Asylum”. Panel 2 was moderated by Danijel Benjamin Ćubelić from the City of Heidelberg and focused on the topic “Isolation and Trauma”. Lilith Raza, who advises refugees and institutions all over Germany for the LSVD, contributed to the situation of queer refugees in the time of Covid-19. Panel 3 “Access to Community and Health Support” dealt with the work with queer refugees from the perspective of migrants themselves. It was moderated by Harpreet Kaur Cholia from the Hessian Refugee Council. Philipp Braun from LSVD moderated Panel 4, which was a “Legal Information Session”. Here, a Frankfurt lawyer and an employee of the Bochum LSBTIQ+ counselling centre Rosa Strippe discussed numerous questions of German asylum law that are of importance for queer refugees.

More information and the complete video recordings of the four panels can be found on the website of the Queer European Asylum network.